Chase life. Create joy.

My New Year’s resolution for 2015 was to reclaim joy.  Oftentimes our lives become so busy we lose touch with things that bring the simplest form of joy.

Joy chase life create joy

Throughout my professional life, I’ve attended motivational conferences and I’ve read many motivational books.  In 2002, I was challenged to write a mission statement. My motivation came from “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey, and my inspiration from “Supercharge Your Immunity” by Norman D. Ford.

I challenge you to write your own mission statement. The following is an excerpt from mine:

  • I am optimistic, hopeful, cheerful, and positive.  I expect good things to happen to me for today, tomorrow, and throughout my life.  I recognize that to exist is bliss, to be here is joy, and to be alive is pure happiness.  Joy and bliss are my birthright, and I can experience them endlessly unless I permit a fear-based belief to influence my thoughts.

Joy is natural state

  • My birthright is perfect health, protected by a vigorous immune system – plus freedom from depression, cancer, and infections.  Perfect health is my normal, natural state.  To achieve it, I am willing to use my mind and muscles to do whatever it takes to succeed.  I am never intimidated by any minor discomfort or inconvenience or by mental or physical exertion.

Healthy Lifestyle

Full version of my Mission Statement here:

“Pray for guidance and follow your intuition. Keep looking for your passion and the contribution that you want to make. By doing what you love and finding how to serve, you add a very special joy to life.” ~Abhishek Kumar

Irish Estates Announces the Gala Grand Opening of Shops at Casablanca


Irish Estates, one of the most prestigious communities in Second Life, celebrates its newest amenity, Shops at Casablanca. The Gala Grand Opening celebration will be Sunday, December 30, 2012 through Saturday, January 5, 2013, featuring DJs and live entertainment throughout the week-long celebration.

“Irish Estates strategically raises the bar for community enjoyment,” said IrishGent Resident, CEO and Estate Owner. “Designers have an opportunity to showcase and market their designs. The Irish Estates Community and SL community at large can enjoy this new and unique shopping destination. Everybody wins.”

Featuring 35 of the best designers of men’s and women’s fashion, hair, skin and makeup, animations and poses, yachts, home furnishings, and breedable pets, Shops at Casablanca is THE shopping destination in SL.

Irish Estates offers the very best in SL estate living. A community built by its residents for its residents with expertly landscaped residential and communal areas, glittering community events, and fully sail-able blue waters. Irish Estates offers prestige, customer service, and a wide range of spectacular properties and land options.
